Excellent trailer for documentary on the Amazon @zoetryon (Zoë Tryon) is pulling together – worth a few minutes of your time! http://ow.ly/o4v0H :
“With a working title of ‘When a tree fall in the forest….’ this documentary will look at the Amazon rainforest in its entirety, its majesty, its magic, its inhabitants, two, four, and many legged. The film looks at why the Amazon is so important to us, no matter where we live. It provides 20% of the worlds fresh water, it is the lungs of our earth, it affects weather patterns across the globe, it is our natural pharmacy.
The film will also look closely at the Achuar people, custodians of the forest whom for time immemorial have lived from and with the forest, maintaining a balance never taking more than they need. We will look at what is threatening the great forest right now and how the indigenous warriors are fighting for the future of their children, their culture, the forest and all of us.”
Go ahead—worth the time!