Special offer for Unitarian Universalist Members
I’ve arranged with my distributor for a $5 discount off of the list price for Unitarian Universalist members.
I do ask you to consider buying the book from the UUA Bookstore. You’ll pay full price, but you’ll also be supporting the national organization, which I heartily encourage.
But if you’d like to take advantage of this discount, go to the “Buy the Book” button to the left, and click on the button under the section, “2. Buy from me.”
That button will take you to my distributor, IPG. After making your selection, click on the “Add to Cart” and “Checkout” buttons and instead of using the old code of “44HOLY,” use code UU2014 (you can copy it from here and paste it into the “Promotion Code” box).
Amazon will still cost less (unless you pay for shipping—then this option should cost less), but I’m hoping that this will at least encourage you to support either me or the UUA Bookstore.
Many thanks!